Mental Health vs. Physical Health
On Tuesday, Kai had her 3-year checkup so I got to go talk to our doctor. He is such a wonderful doctor and I’m so thankful to have found him back in 2014. During the appointment I mentioned something about still “taking it easy” as far as exercise goes and he told me that my delivery was quite smooth so if I was comfortable starting to get active again, he was ok with that.
I wish I could have seen my face after hearing that news. I have always stayed true to the 5-6 week rule of no activity. (There’s HUGE benefits in that and I still believe in it.) But, with the emotional pains that my family is going through right now, I decided that my mental health is more in need than my physical health. So Wednesday morning, I decided to run laps, for 10 minutes, around our barn house (we live in an adorable house inside of a barn). There’s a perfect circle drive around it so I brought the baby monitor out (to watch Kai, who was still sleeping) and I ran laps with the dogs.
This was the first time I had run in over 9 months. I don’t like to run in cold weather so I know I didn’t run prior to the pregnancy. After the run, I did my usually lunges to help avoid lactic acid buildup (much less pain and soreness the next day!) I cannot even begin to tell you how much my mental health needed this run. It was extremely helpful to clear my mind and focus on my physical body again.
Then on Thursday, I ran around Heartwell Park for 12.5 minutes. This time doing 3x the lunges (forward, backward, and lateral). The feeling of exercising again is something I have missed immensely.
Also on Thursday, Kai was able to go spend the day with her friends Miles, Avett, and Miles. They taught her how to drive their little battery car and she had so much fun playing with them, she fell asleep on the drive home and remained asleep until 5:30am the next morning. We are extremely thankful for our friends, Drew & Sarah, for allowing Kai to come over for the workday while Daddy worked and I was at the hospital. We are so blessed with our friends, willing to help us get through this tough time.
Back at the hospital, Miss Kehlani ate most of her feedings via bottle today and gained another ounce! (4 lbs, 7.6oz) I love her facial expression in the photo while being weighed!