Kai & Kehlani's Newborn Photo Shoot
Because we didn’t find out Kehlani’s gender before she was born, I tried not to let myself get too excited to have 2 daughters. In all honesty, I thought she was a boy the entire pregnancy. This was probably because I LOVE our boy name that I picked out (and I’m still not sure if Marcus would have been ok using it if she was a boy). I think this was also a little bit because if I let myself think it was a girl, and I got excited thinking about Kai getting to have the sister I never had, then I might be more disappointed with a boy (even though I’ve always wanted to raise some fun-finding, tree-house-building farm boys).
But alas, Kehlani is a girl so I get to explore the fun world of raising 2 girls! Kai is a sandpile-loving, horse-riding farm girl who loves to get dirty BUT she is also a dress-up loving girl who will go through 4 outfits (many of them dresses) in a single morning. As many know, I’m a side-gigging freelance photographer so I’m all about shooting any and everything I can. My main subject, Kai, gets a little annoyed with me but she’s also used to it so she kind of just smiles and nods when I want to pose her certain ways.
During those 17 days at the hospital, I daydreamed about what poses to put my 2 baby girls in for my “dream” photo shoot. I couldn’t wait to try out new ideas. When we finally got home from the hospital, I decided to wait a couple days for Kai and Kehlani to get to know each other before forcing them to be my photo subjects. I hope you enjoy the results as much as I have!