What is madeNeden?
MadeNeden is the brand of a dream that Audra Leichleiter has had since 2013. That was the first year she went on a mission trip. She went with her church to Kampala, Uganda to the Tender Hearts Baby’s Home orphanage that her church helped fund. It sparked a change in her that she couldn’t shake. She began looking at life in a different way, realizing how many things we have in America that we take for granted. The next two years, her dream to adopt kept getting stronger but due to some relationship circumstances, she could not adopt.
Then in 2015, Audra was blessed with an opportunity to travel to Webuye, Kenya to photograph and take part in another mission trip through the New Beginnings Ministry, created by Bruce & Tammy Paulus. New Beginnings has a wide variety of missions but one that spoke to Audra’s heart was a Tailoring Program that enables widows and widowers to support themselves by selling items locally and through fair trade opportunities. Before, during, and after these trips one of Audra’s biggest passions was to help orphans through sponsorship, foster care and adoption. Then after the Kenya trip, a new spark started for the ministry of Fair Trade. Especially after some personal experience with the subject, she has also developed a strong passion for helping people in oppression and abuse situations. Audra is also extremely passionate in helping women with unexpected pregnancies and giving them a firsthand story about the lifelong physical, mental, and emotional effects of abortion.
Audra’s #1 bucket list item is to adopt a child. She not only dreams of adding to her family through adoption, but she also dreams of helping provide adoption grants to other families with the desire and calling to adopt. Audra believes it is tragic that there are so many people with the desire to adopt, but often do not, due to financial reasons. Along with starting a company under the name, Audra’s dream is to start a foundation and a non-profit organization for madeNeden to help provide families adoption grants. Through the company itself, Audra hopes and plans to help create jobs for men and women to create fair trade products.

The Story Behind the Name…
MadeNeden’s inception began as a small craft sales business that Audra was in need of a name for. The name itself has a fun history as she was a camp counselor one summer and the kids in her “family group” needed to come up with a family name. After brainstorming for a while someone said Made in China because “everything seems to be made in China.” Then one of the boys in the family group said, we were made in the Garden of Eden – how about Made in Eden? Audra realized how much she liked the catchy sound of that name and the kids took a vote and it became their family name. It was a few months after that, that Audra needed a name for her crafts to sell at a local craft show and she remembered the name Made In Eden. After changing it a little, and coming up with a logo, she began dreaming about what madeNeden could become.
Audra believes God has given her this dream and calling to help people and orphans in need.
If you have a product that you make and would like to sell, if you would like to join Audra on her mission, or you have other questions/inquiries, please contact Audra below.