One Month Old Already!

On July 14th, Kehlani turned one month old. As of yesterday, she was 34 days old and had lived half her life in the NICU and half her life at home. At first, being at home was stressful with Kai and trying to help her adjust and believe that I wasn’t going back to the hospital but it’s taken 2.5 weeks for her to learn that I’m not leaving anymore. Yesterday, I had to work out-of-home for a client and she really struggled when I left in the morning. But things are improving and I am extremely blessed to have my mom and Grandma near us to help babysit when I have to work away from home.

Finally HOME!!

Finally HOME!! On Wednesday, July 1st, Kehlani was finally discharged […]

Thoughts on Our Final Night in the NICU

Last night I received the news that Kehlani could be discharged as early as Thursday, July 2, 2020! I was so excited but it was so late I could only call one person I thought might be up – ironically, she’s the same person who helped me start this journey by encouraging (rather, insisting) I go to the hospital immediately with the contraction she heard me have over the phone.